Today’s weather in Vila Velha, ES is as follows:
Date: 29/12/2024
Time: 05:11
Temperature: 24°C
Condition: Tempo nublado
Humidity: 90%
Cloudiness: 75%
Rain: 0mm
Wind Speed: 4.63 km/h
Wind Direction: NE
Sunrise: 05:02 am
Sunset: 06:23 pm
Moon phase: waning crescent
Forecast for the upcoming days:
– 29/12: Maximum temperature of 28°C, minimum of 22°C, 67% humidity, 99% cloudiness, 25.8mm of rain with 100% probability, wind speed of 4.81 km/h. Description: Chuva (rain)
– 30/12: Maximum temperature of 24°C, minimum of 22°C, 88% humidity, 100% cloudiness, 7.75mm of rain with 100% probability, wind speed of 3.77 km/h. Description: Chuva (rain)
– 31/12: Maximum temperature of 27°C, minimum of 22°C, 65% humidity, 100% cloudiness, 1.52mm of rain with 96% probability, wind speed of 3.51 km/h. Description: Chuvas esparsas (scattered showers)
– 01/01: Maximum temperature of 24°C, minimum of 23°C, 89% humidity, 100% cloudiness, 5.1mm of rain with 100% probability, wind speed of 5.52 km/h. Description: Chuvas esparsas (scattered showers)
– 02/01: Maximum temperature of 28°C, minimum of 22°C, 71% humidity, 85% cloudiness, 20.1mm of rain with 100% probability, wind speed of 5.72 km/h. Description: Chuva (rain)
– 03/01: Maximum temperature of 29°C, minimum of 23°C, 65% humidity, 100% cloudiness, 1.35mm of rain with 81% probability, wind speed of 7.12 km/h. Description: Chuvas esparsas (scattered showers)
– 04/01: Maximum temperature of 27°C, minimum of 23°C, 74% humidity, 100% cloudiness, 3.84mm of rain with 92% probability, wind speed of 5.43 km/h. Description: Chuvas esparsas (scattered showers)
– 05/01: Maximum temperature of 24°C, minimum of 23°C, 92% humidity, 100% cloudiness, 5.76mm of rain with 100% probability, wind speed of 4.54 km/h. Description: Chuvas esparsas (scattered showers)
– 06/01: Maximum temperature of 25°C, minimum of 23°C, 82% humidity, 92% cloudiness, 9.18mm of rain with 100% probability, wind speed of 3.28 km/h. Description: Chuvas esparsas (scattered showers)
– 07/01: Maximum temperature of 27°C, minimum of 23°C, 77% humidity, 94% cloudiness, 6.81mm of rain with 100% probability, wind speed of 4.72 km/h. Description: Chuvas esparsas (scattered showers)
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