domingo, janeiro 19, 2025
InícioClimaClima para amanhã em São Luís

Clima para amanhã em São Luís

Weather Forecast

Today in São Luís, MA the weather is cloudy with a temperature of 23°C. The humidity is at 100% and the wind speed is 2.06 km/h coming from the Southeast. The forecast for today shows a maximum temperature of 26°C and a minimum of 22°C with a high chance of rain.

Tomorrow, there will be showers with a maximum temperature of 27°C and a minimum of 24°C. The humidity will be at 69% and the wind speed at 4.6 km/h. The rain probability is at 100%.

On Tuesday, the weather will continue to be rainy with a maximum temperature of 28°C and a minimum of 24°C. The humidity will be at 74% and the wind speed at 5.15 km/h. The rain probability remains high at 100%.

Wednesday will also bring rain with a maximum temperature of 28°C and a minimum of 24°C. The humidity will be at 72% and the wind speed at 5.84 km/h. The rain probability is at 100%.

Thursday and Friday will have similar weather conditions with rain throughout the day. The maximum temperature will be around 28°C and the minimum around 24°C. The rain probability remains high at 100%.

As we head into the weekend, the rain will continue with temperatures reaching a maximum of 28°C and a minimum of 25°C. The humidity will be around 77% and the wind speed around 6.96 km/h.

Overall, the upcoming week in São Luís, MA will be characterized by rainy weather with high humidity levels. It is advisable to take precautions and be prepared for wet conditions.

#inovação #inovacao


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